Well Being Chiropractic
Chiropractors look at your structural health - the skeletal system and how it interrelates with the muscular and nervous system particularly. But if you think about it, the design of the human body is so closely knit that if one part of you is not working well it will be impacting other parts; this is not just bone and muscle but the circulatory and respiratory systems also.
A Chiropractor will assess how your body moves and look to see if you are in "alignment" or not. If she/he finds that your body is not how it should be, he/she will use a variety of techniques that may include massage, stretching and joint manipulation to set you right. After all, when your physical health is at its best, wouldn't the rest of you be feeling better too? Dr Nicole is available Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and Dr Andrew is working Saturdays. An appointment can be made directly on 8362-7002 |