Cost of ServicesFor detailed information of each services please review the relevant section in the drop down Services bar, above.
Summary: One Hour Swedish Massage ........................................................ $85 Pregnancy Massage Initial .......................................................... $95 Pregnancy Massage Follow up ................................................... $85 Postpartum Massage (Home Visit within 10 weeks) ...... $150 if outside Craigieburn/3064 there may be an additional travel cost If you have had a pregnancy massage with me there may be a special offer available Postpartum Massage (in clinic) ................................................... $85 Ayurvedic Massage ........................................................................ $115 Shirodhara ........................................................................................... $165 Basti Treatment ................................................................................. $125 Nasya .................................................................................................... $115 Netra Basti .......................................................................................... $145 |
Gift Vouchers
Gift Vouchers are available for specific services (e.g One Hour Massage) or for general amounts (e.g. $20 or $100). We can take payment over the phone on VISA or Mastercards and then post the gift voucher to your recipient (please allow 3-4 days to process). Alternatively you can come into the clinic and we can more often than not serve you immediately. Please be aware that we are not always open and it would be advantageous to phone ahead to confirm we will be available for you. |