For all your acupuncture needs in CraigieburnOur registered acupuncturist, having obtained Australian Qualifications in both Acupuncture and Remedial Massage, also took on additional China-based study. On top of that he has qualifications in Laser Acupuncture for those who may not be keen on the traditional needles!
With over 20 years experience, Moyez should be able to help with any musculoskeletal or medical issues you may have. In the past, he has treated conditions such as migraines, RSI and sports injuries, back pain, frozen shoulder, insomnia, hormonal irregularities (including menopause), digestive disorders, addictions (e.g. smoking) and symptomatic relief to people who have had a stroke and degenerative diseases. |
Dr Moyez HashimDoctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine
BHSc TCM, Certificate Master Course in Laser Phototherapy for sports injury and physical rehabilitation, dermatological and neuro-musculoskeletal disorders and Auriculotherapy. Cert Clinical Acup. ( Beijing, China) Registered with AHPRA, AACMA, AAMT Available on: Tuesdays & Thursdays 4pm - 8pm |
A Systematic Approach
There is a system to the therapeutic application of Laser Acupuncture and Low Level Laser Therapy. We start with the body's control panels called The Nervous System. An initial consultation with Dr Moyez will begin with your spine. Running from the top of your spine through to the base is the spinal cord; it carries information to and from your brain to every part of your body. Between each vertebra, major nerves branch off leading to smaller and smaller nerves that reach to the finest tissues in your body. |
Cost of ServicesLaser Acupuncture
Initial Consultation 60 minutes $85 Repeat Consultation 45 minutes $75 Repeat Consultation 30 minutes $65 Repeat Consultation 20 minutes $55 Repeat Consultation 10 minutes $45 |
The following consultations will then build on this and begin to hone in on the areas where your symptoms present. Dr Moyez will give you an idea of how many sessions you may need at your initial consultation.
Treatment is pain-free, quick and effective depending on your condition. Continuing appointments may take 20-40 minutes, once a week. Most clients respond quickly with results noticeable within 1-2 weeks; improvement usually occurs within 4-6 weeks and severe conditions may need 8-11 weeks. It is essential you attend the prescribed weekly sessions Dr Moyez has designed for your needs. If you are expecting a "one treatment fix" this is probably not the service for you! Even your GP who prescribes Pharmacological medicine will not expect you to improve overnight and will want to see you again to follow up. People who do this "I'll try it once and if I'm not cured" are the ones to then go on to say "Oh, Acupuncture/massage/osteopathy/chiropractor/physiotherapy/speech therapy (etc) does not work". What they don't tell you is they tried it once or did not follow the advice given !!
So please give us a call if you are not the "one-fix" person and we would love to help you !!
Treatment is pain-free, quick and effective depending on your condition. Continuing appointments may take 20-40 minutes, once a week. Most clients respond quickly with results noticeable within 1-2 weeks; improvement usually occurs within 4-6 weeks and severe conditions may need 8-11 weeks. It is essential you attend the prescribed weekly sessions Dr Moyez has designed for your needs. If you are expecting a "one treatment fix" this is probably not the service for you! Even your GP who prescribes Pharmacological medicine will not expect you to improve overnight and will want to see you again to follow up. People who do this "I'll try it once and if I'm not cured" are the ones to then go on to say "Oh, Acupuncture/massage/osteopathy/chiropractor/physiotherapy/speech therapy (etc) does not work". What they don't tell you is they tried it once or did not follow the advice given !!
So please give us a call if you are not the "one-fix" person and we would love to help you !!
Laser Acupuncture is an effective treatment of the conditions and injuries listed below, plus holds multiple other healing benefits: